Technology Acceptable Use and Privacy Policy

An annual signature is required by all Sacred Heart School Parents/ Guardians so that students may gain access to school issued computers, laptops, iPads and the Sacred Heart School email and network.  If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Ms. Sheelagh Spooner or Ms. Kristen Fink.


Sacred Heart School strives to educate students using 21st century technology in a wise but progressive educational atmosphere.  Sacred Heart School electronic devices and its technology infrastructure are intended to enhance the educational resources of the school, support its academic and administrative work, enhance communication between various parts of the community, and provide tools for the life-long learning.  All students, parents and faculty understand that the use of technology at school is a privilege and that its benefits are highly dependent on an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. With this privilege comes the great responsibility of protecting the safety and reputation of all members of the Sacred Heart community.


We believe that all students should have access to technology when they act in a responsible, efficient, courteous and legal manner.  Internet access and other technologies available to students and teachers offer a multitude of global resources. Our goal in providing these services is to enhance the educational development of our students.  Responsible uses of technology are devoted to activities that support teaching and learning.


Therefore, every user is required to act in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner.  Failure of any student to follow this acceptable use policy will result in disciplinary action. Network activities are monitored by the administration at Sacred Heart School.  The following policies apply to any and all electronic devices used on campus at any time, and/or during school events on or off campus.

Parents and guardians are primarily responsible for the student’s appropriate and ethical use of technology outside of school.  However, the inappropriate use of technology outside of school may subject the student to disciplinary action. Inappropriate use of technology may include, but is not limited to, harassment of others, use of the school name, remarks directed to or about teachers and staff, offensive communications including videos/ photographs and threats.

All students at Sacred Heart School agree to the following rules:

  1. I will practice a responsible, balanced, and healthy use of technology both at school and at home.
  2. I will only use a school device with knowledge/approval of school personnel responsible for the device.  I will receive permission from a teacher before I begin using my school issued device, network, or Internet, and I will follow all rules set by my teachers.
  3. I will only visit websites directly related to my school assignments.
  4. I will list the sources of all information and images used in my reports and I will respect and adhere to all copyright laws.
  5. I will always use appropriate and polite language on the Internet and in my work on any school devices.  I will remember that everything I do is a direct reflection of myself, my family, and Sacred Heart School. I understand the importance of appropriate pictures and gestures in any form on the Internet.
  6.  I will not send, download, or display offensive or inappropriate messages or pictures.
  7. I will never give out my last name, phone number, home address or home email address.
  8. I will tell a teacher immediately if I come across something that I think is inappropriate or wrong.  I will also report the misuse of technology of others as well as the Sacred Heart network and technology equipment.
  9. I will get permission before downloading or saving any files, installing or storing software on a school device.  I understand that this must be done after approval or appropriate school personnel.
  10. I will handle all technology equipment with care, including laptops, computers, iPads and smartboards.  I will do my best to prevent damage to these devices.
  11. I will not trespass in other people’s computers, folders, work or files (regardless of their permission or lack thereof).
  12. I will not use other students’ network account passwords to access or alter any materials, sites or documents.
  13. I will not change or attempt to alter any configuration, program or password on any computer, laptop, iPad or program used.   
  14. I will not use the Internet for entertainment or other reasons unrelated to school unless directed by my teacher.
  15. I will not use school-owned electronic devices or the school network to make any unauthorized purchases or to engage in activity that is illegal or for personal profit.


I will use my school-issued account for school related purposes only.  I will use it for communicating with my teacher about assignments. I will not use it for social, political or financial reasons.  I will not use it to send messages or pictures that use obscene, racist or offensive language. Communication that could be considered harassing, insulting, derogatory or hurtful to others is considered cyber-bullying, which the school takes very seriously whether the communication is generated on or off campus.  In certain cases, it may be necessary for the school to report cyber-bullying incidents to the outside authorities. Cyber-bullying can occur through the use of the Internet, cell phones, iPads, computers, laptop or other electronic communication devices are used to send or post text videos, or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.


Violations of the Technology Acceptable Use & Privacy Policy Consequences

  •      A meeting of all involved parties: Principal, Assistant Principal, faculty/staff member, student and parents may be called.
  •      Disciplinary consequences such as loss of the privilege to use technology devices and/or loss of network and Internet access for a determined period of time.
  •      Additional disciplinary action determined appropriate by the Principal in accordance with existing school discipline policy regarding inappropriate language, behavior, bullying, or harassment.  This may include detention, suspension from athletic participation, school suspension, or, in extreme cases, expulsion.

Sacred Heart School must cooperate with any law enforcement agency in the event of the suspected illegal or inappropriate activities.

  •      If I receive or see a harassing or insulting online communication through email, websites or social media, I will tell a teacher or parent immediately.
  •      I understand that emails can foster misunderstandings because there is no tone, facial expression or body language in typed text.



Your device belongs to Sacred Heart School and is to be used for school related purposes.  You need to return it to the school at the end of the year in the same way you received it, taking into account normal wear-and-tear.  It cannot be personalized with stickers or writing or physically altered in any way. You are responsible for taking good care of your device throughout the school year.

Acceptable use of my device means:

  •      I will use my device when under the direct supervision of a teacher in school.
  •      I will use my device to complete assignments.
  •      I will take care of my school-issued device, store it in the proper place throughout the day, and protect it from damage or theft.
  •      I will keep my device away from food and drink.
  •      I will keep my device in its case and carry it with both hands when moving from one location to another.
  •      I will have my device charged and ready to use each day.
  •      I will notify the school immediately if my device is damaged, lost or stolen.  Sacred Heart School reserves the right to charge the family the repair or replacement costs of a lost, damaged or stolen device.
  •      I will not use my device for non-school directed activities.
  •      I will not use my device for social media, including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.
  •      I will not download any software unless authorized to do so by a teacher.
  •      I will not download any entertainment software or material.

Right to Privacy

  •      I will not share any of my passwords with anyone or use anyone else’s passwords.  If I become aware of another individual’s password, I will inform that person or a member of the technology staff.
  •      I will be ethical and will respect the privacy of others throughout the Sacred Heart School network and I will not share or access folders, files or data that belong to others or to the school without authorization.
  •      I will not share of post online or share electronically any personally identifying information about any members of the Sacred Heart School community without permission (including names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, photos, videos, etc.)
  •      I will not make and/or post photos, audio or video recordings of another student, teacher, or Sacred Heart School event without permission.
  •      I understand that Sacred Heart School has the right to look at any data, email, photos, or files that exist on the network or on individual computers without the prior consent of system users.  In addition, Sacred Heart School reserves the right to view or remove any files on the networking without prior notice to users.

Parent/ Guardian Consent of Acceptable Use of School Technology by Students

As parent or legal guardian, I/we have read this Technology Acceptable Use and Privacy Policy and have discussed it with my/our child(ren).  I/we understand that all students will be asked to sign their own Acceptable Use Agreement at the beginning of the 2018/19 school year.

In consideration of the privilege of my/our child(ren) using the school’s electronic communication system and in consideration of having access to the schools wireless network, I/we hereby release the school, its operators and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my/our child(ren)’s use of, or inability to use, the system, including, and without limitation to, the types of damage identified in the Technology Acceptable Use and Privacy Policy.

  • I/we understand that access to the school technology resources is not a private activity and that the school will monitor student activity on any of the school resources including, but not limited to, the computer system, network, and other electronic devices and programs.
  • I/we have read the school’s Technology Acceptable use and Privacy Policy and agree that our child(ren) must abide by these provisions. Violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of the student’s access to electronic devices and the school’s network.
  • I/we also understand that any actions taken through the school network that are in violation of the school disciplinary code will be handled in accordance with the code.  Appropriate legal authorities may be contacted if there is any suspicion of illegal activity.
  • I/we grant or deny permission for my/our student(s) to use a personal technology device while at Sacred Heart School and to have access to the Sacred Heart School network (wired and wireless), Internet and other School Accounts.
  • I/we also understand that it is impossible for Sacred Heart School to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold the School responsible for materials acquired on the Internet.
  • I/we understand that my/our child(ren) will face disciplinary action if he/she violates Sacred Heart School Technology Acceptable Use Policy, whether that misuse occurs on campus, off campus on school computers, or on technology that is privately owned.

* “Electronic communication” means a communication transmitted by means of an electronic device including, but not limited to, a telephone, cell phone, computer, laptop, iPad, iPod, other mp3 or audio-video players, and cameras

Parent/Guardian Signature:                                                   Date:                       

________________________________        ___________________________

Student Signature:                                                                   Date:  

________________________________       ___________________________