Student Services

Department Overview

At Sacred Heart, we are dedicated to addressing the evolving needs of our youth through comprehensive support services that ensure every student thrives both academically and personally.
We are proud to offer a dedicated team of highly trained staff members. Our approach integrates Response to Intervention (RTI) practices, emphasizing in-class support whenever possible. In certain cases, students may receive individualized or small group instruction outside the classroom.

Below is an overview of our Student Services team and their roles:

Director of Student Services/Learning Specialist

The Learning Specialist collaborates with students, parents, and teachers to support students with diagnosed learning needs.


Key responsibilities include:

  • Identifying and encouraging specific learning strategies
  • Monitoring student progress
  • Managing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans
  • Coordinating with public schools and private agencies for learning difficulty diagnoses
  • Providing pull-out services for students in grades 6-8

Reading Specialist

The Reading Specialist works with individuals and groups to enhance reading skills such as decoding, encoding, fluency, and comprehension through a multi-sensory reading intervention program.
This specialist also:
  • Assesses student reading levels
  • Develops classroom libraries
  • Creates reading intervention plans as needed


Math Specialist

The Math Specialist supports students within the math curriculum, offering:
  • Help for students struggling with math concepts
  • Enrichment for students excelling in math
  • Individualized attention for grade-level performance
  • Administration of benchmark assessments three times a year (grades 1-8) to guide targeted support and enrichment

Guidance Counselor

The School Counselor aids in achieving academic goals through:


  • Consultation with parents and teachers
  • Program development
  • Direct work with students individually or in groups
  • Leading character education lessons on topics like sharing, citizenship, good sportsmanship, cooperation, conflict resolution, and friendship
  • Facilitating behavioral change, enhancing communication and social skills, coping with stressors, and promoting decision-making skills

Speech Pathologist

Funded through Winnetka District 36, the Speech Pathologist visits Sacred Heart twice a week to provide services based on students' case studies. Depending on the severity of the issue, services range from 30 to 90 minutes per week.



In the News

Click the link below to view our July 23 Press Release, announcing three key innovative initiatives, designed to minimize classroom distractions, foster empathetic conversations, and prioritize interpersonal communication.